Cat of the Month - Chartreux

With origins in France, this plush, striking cat is most recognized by its thick, bluish-gray coat that is almost wooly, depending upon the climate in which the cat lives. They are muscular, thick bodied cats who at adult size range from about 11 to 15 pounds. The longer haired cats of this breed are very majestic looking, almost like miniature lions with their broad chests and massive furs. The were at one time mated with Persian cats to help preserve the breed.

Dog of the Week - Akita

This large, regal dog was first found in the Tohoko region of Japan. They were generally used for hunting such animals as deer, boar and bears. They were first introduced into America. They can grow to over 100 lbs, and full grown stand at about 28 to 30 inches at the shoulder. Their thick, lush coats are made for harsh, cold climates such as are found in certain regions in Japan. They saw an insurgence of popularity in the US in the 1980's, and still today retain some popularity. Their temperament is generally agreeable and calm around humans, but when in the vicinity of other dogs can become very agressive. They are known to be very protective of their owners.

When A Cat Growls....

...well, consider it a fair warning. Cats don't usually growl, but will meow angrily instead when just generally pissed off or unhappy. Even when cats are tousling with other cats, you will generally hear those mean meows and screeches. A growl, however, indicates that the cat really feels itself to be in danger and is going into absolute defensive mode, claws out, take no prisoners. Consider that to be a level 10 and step back!